Hi! I am Sally - Pelvic Floor Coach, Osteopath and baking enthusiast.

I am passionate about all things pelvic floor following my own struggles with endometriosis which has led to me dedicating the last 10 years to everything pelvic health related.

I have always loved learning and research but when trying to solve my own pelvic floor issues I found that there was so much contradictory information online that it left me feeling overwhelmed and more confused than when I started. So I spent years learning from the experts in the field and have combined all of this knowledge along with over 12 years of working with 100s of women in my clinic to create my online coaching programs.

Pelvic Floor Coach

Outside of work you will find me with my two whippets, Georgie and Lola, lifting weights or baking some form of raisin filled cake (Welsh cakes are my favourite at the moment!)

Chat with me

I am always happy to chat through your concerns.
I understand that finding the right person to help you is key to your recovery so if you’d like to run through any questions or just have a chat please do get in touch - you can book a free consult below.