What if you could get back to lifting without worrying about your pelvic floor?

Despite what you’ve been told, prolapse and pelvic floor symptoms don’t mean that you have to stop your training and limit yourself to “pelvic floor safe” exercises for the rest of your life. You don’t have to settle for boring or basic workouts forever.

You can lift heavy
You can train your core
You can get back to cross fit
You can jump on the trampoline with your kids
You can find ways to get rid of your pelvic floor symptoms

You don’t have to stop training hard because of your pelvic floor symptoms -
My 1-to-1 coaching is designed to help you train your body to be strong and manage your symptoms

You are not broken …

Pelvic floor coaching is so much more than a workout plan. It is about having someone in your corner, backing you 100%

It is about working with someone who know what you are truly capable of. Someone to guide you back on track when you start to doubt yourself.

You need someone to coach you, teach you and hold you accountable when things don’t go to plan.

You can stop avoiding all the movements you are too scared to do and get back to feeling confident in your body again and to experience the freedom that comes with no longer worrying about leaking or worsening your prolapse.

My 1-to-1 coaching is not just another “quick fix” that doesn’t work.

This is a program that does all the hard work for you, that has all the knowledge you need alongside my personal support to make sure I teach you everything you need to know to get the results you want.

We’ll assess where you are currently, from core and pelvic floor to mobility and movement patterns. Once we have all the info, your programming will be designed to be exactly what you need to help you meet your goals both in and out of the gym… and you’ll get to have fun along the way.

We’ll cover pelvic floor connection, building your core, mobility, impact progression, endurance, and STRENGTH to get you moving again without fear.

If you have questions, concerns, or symptoms pop up along the way? No problem. 1:1 programming is high touch for a reason. I’m right there with you reviewing video, answering questions, helping to relieve your fears, and most importantly – giving you a safe space to learn about your body while you get your confidence back.

Ready to get started?

What you get as a 1-to-1 client:

  • Detailed online assessment to check your mobility, pelvic floor and core

  • Completely bespoke training program, tailored to you and your current symptoms

  • Exercise video demos for all exercises in dedicated app

  • Video assessments and detailed feedback so you never have to worry if you are doing an exercise “wrong”

  • True accountability - I will be checking in with you regularly and you have as much contact as you need with me to troubleshoot any problems you are having

  • Expert resources and guides on symptom management and mindset, pelvic floor education and nutritional guides to support your recovery.